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eCommerce news #no. 9

How to create valuable B2B content? The answer is given by the latest article of Izba Gospodarki Elektronicznej. Marta Ostrowska, a member of Content Team of B2B eCommerce Content Group and e-Izba Expert gives a number of practical tips and presents the facts that should be followed when consciously planning content marketing strategy. Among other things, it is important to direct messages to people, so knowledge and empathy are important. Secondly, having a focus on the goal, i.e. acquiring an audience with high conversion potential, is crucial. Another issue is choosing types of content that will appeal to the business customer, support sales and increase the chance of conversion. According to research, the most commonly used content types in B2B content marketing over the past year were: blog articles, newsletters, case studies, video content and virtual events, including webinars. Infographics, e-books and whitepapers were also popular. Equally important as the choice of content is the choice of channels on which we want to distribute the content. In the context of B2B industry, the most important role is performed by social media with LinkedIn at the forefront. Followed by a newsletter and a company blog.

In the article you will also find step-by-step instructions on how to effectively encourage a business customer to use your services through content marketing.

Content marketing supports SEO efforts, so let's smoothly move on to the Senuto article from which you will learn how to create the best page description - meta description. This seemingly insignificant and hardly visible element is important in terms of SEO optimization. How to check meta description of your eCommerce site? There are 4 ways to do it:

  • in the code,
  • on a web search website,
  • with the help of dedicated plug-ins,
  • on CMS.

The article also shows the relationship between meta description optimization and SEO results, as well as practical tips on how to create a correct meta description and place key phrases, emoji and CTAs in a natural way. The text is supplemented with examples of well and poorly written meta descriptions..

The last article in today's eCommerce News touches on the subject of custom alerts in Google Analytics. An example of such alert is the one informing about lack or decrease of traffic, decrease in number of transactions or decrease in brand keyword impressions. In the text published on the Marketing and Business portal we will learn how to set up various types of custom alerts step by step, so that we always have key information under control.


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