Pimcore development

Pimcore - PIM system for your online store

Check out the product information management benefits of implementing Pimcore in your online store

Experience proven with sucessful projects

Pimcore - the best PIM for your online store

All product information is stored in a single database to which any authorized person has permanent access - can you imagine what benefits such a situation can bring to your eCommerce? Thanks to automation, you will gain, among other things, the ability to distribute to each sales channel only the right, refined product information (regardless of its quantity and format), shorten time-to-market, and reduce existing costs. Moreover, you'll ensure that your employees' time is saved, allowing them to focus on other areas within business development. And these are just some of the long list of benefits you can achieve this way.

When you, in turn, decide to implement the Pimcore system in your online store, the list of benefits will only get longer. Find out why this solution - the Leader in Master Data Management title in the Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice every year - is the most recommended among the software available on the market.

Pimcore is already used by more than 100,000 companies in 56 countries around the world. Maybe your eCommerce business will be next?

Pimcore - features that benefit the business

Surely you are wondering what makes Pimcore the most recommended product information management software used by the biggest players in the market - such as T-mobile, Burger King, Audi and Intersport. The strength of this solution lies in its core features, which perfectly meet the needs of modern eCommerce businesses, including - without a doubt - your online store.

01. open-source

No license fees and the opportunity to develop the product with an ever-growing community

02. intuitiveness

Easier to work with Drag&Drop, which allows you to drag and drop specific items in the right places

03. flexibility and scalability

The ability to organize an unlimited catalog of data in any way you want, according to your needs and development plans

04. performance

Efficient handling of even huge amounts of product data

05. easy integration

Connectivity to CRM, ERP, and other data sources via APIs regardless of even the file format ("connect anything")

06. multi-channel

Effective management of product information across all eCommerce channels - both digital and offline

The unlimited possibilities of Pimcore - for your business

It's not just the basic characteristics that make us promote Pimcore as the best solution for B2B and B2C eCommerce businesses. Right behind the ease of integration within connecting anything, intuitiveness, and OS versioning go numerous functionalities that make it stand out among other systems available on the market

Tracking change history, versioning, checking product status, checking data completeness, entering types and tags, and much, much more - all of this is made possible by Pimcore's distinctive PIM capabilities, but also by the additional tools it is equipped with:

storage of digital resources (graphics, videos, etc.)
digital user experience platform
master data management
customer data platform

Pimcore also provides the ability for any authorized person or the entire team to have access to the system - assigning roles and permissions is another important characteristic that ensures that everyone sees only the information they need for their daily work. The system also has the ability to syndicate data (pulls a specific resource from the entire catalog), which means that it allows you to share selected information with, for example, business partners.

Such functionalities, combined with easy search and intuitive filling in of individual data fields (important from the point of view of eCommerce employees), significantly accelerate the processes taking place, helping in daily operations. Are you ready for them to support your online store as well?

Pimcore’s key functionalities:

  • product data modeling and syndication (support for more than 40 types),
  • information flow management (workflow support),
  • two-way information exchange.

Pimcore development - bet on the benefits for your eCommerce

What effects would you like to achieve if you decide to implement a PIM system from Pimcore in your online store? Speeding up processes, reducing costs, and better organization of work - are just some of the effects you will see both in the short and long term. Which of the most important benefits will convince you to opt for just this software in your eCommerce?

Managing data from one place

With Pimcore, you can forget about having to search through numerous databases, catalogs, CSV, PDF, or XML files and galleries with materials, while reducing the risk that the necessary information will not appear in a specific channel. From now on you have everything in one system - not only product data, but also about customer and partner data!

Saving time and other resources

Updating any data in a product card in Pimcore will be immediately visible in all sales channels, allowing you to reallocate existing resources (especially work time) to other areas of your eCommerce business. You certainly know how to use them!

High control over information

Different information in the two sales channels you use? Pimcore will help you eliminate such problems by easily adding technical and content data to the system (including translations) and optimizing distribution across all online and offline channels. More control? By all means!

Implementing Pimcore in your online store - step by step

You've thought about the topic well, and you've realized that PIM is the answer to the pain points of your eCommerce business, among the available options you've chosen Pimcore as the best solution - what's next? Then it's time for implementation, which requires a step-by-step explanation of the whole process. This is because you need to have an understanding of why none of the elements can be left out.

Identify the needs of the company
Audit of current processes
Preparing the environment for implementation
Designing a database in Pimcore
Data migration and integrations

To organize your knowledge...

01. What is Pimcore?

Pimcore is a product information management software that allows you to store in one place all the necessary data (sales, marketing, and technical) related to the products you offer. It is available in an open-source version (with no licensing costs), so it can be modified for your own needs and extended by a community with more than 80,000 users in 56 countries around the world. It features high flexibility and scalability and can be used intuitively with Drag&Drop functionality. It supports businesses in providing correct and up-to-date information about available products regardless of which channel and device the user is using.

02. What benefits will Pimcore bring to my online store?

Using a single database that contains all the required product information is an excellent way to make your online store's business processes more efficient. Using Pimcore, you get, first of all, the assurance that every person and every department (sales, marketing, production, etc.) has access to the same and fully up-to-date product information. Thus, you can ensure that the correct data is made available in every sales channel - both online and offline, so you take proper care of your customers' experience. And what do you gain this way from a business point of view? Saving resources (especially your employees' time) and reducing costs (lower percentage of returns and complaints).

03. When should I opt for Pimcore?

To answer this question, you should start with another issue - whether you need PIM, that is, Product Information Management. It's worth opting for such software, first of all, if you have a very wide range of products and notice that managing information about them (e.g., manual entry and modification) consumes too many resources (especially time). PIM also becomes useful when you use numerous sales channels and care about displaying up-to-date, refined information in each of them. Moreover, it works well for specific or highly differentiated products that require detailed descriptions.

So why should you choose Pimcore and not other software? First of all, because of its high flexibility and scalability, which will allow you to meet the development goals you have set. The system will also provide support if you decide to expand abroad, as it is equipped with an automatic translation function (20 available language versions). Also important is the open-source availability, which allows you to develop and modify the program according to your own needs.

04. What modules does Pimcore come with?

Pimcore is not only PIM (adding, modifying, and collecting product information) but also DAM (storing digital data, e.g. graphics, video images), MDM (managing data not only about the product but also customers, locations, assets, partners, or vendors), CDP (storing customer data from various sources) and DXP (delivering relevant content across all sales channels). Moreover, thanks to communication through APIs, Pimcore integrates seamlessly with external software such as ERP, WMS, or CMS.

05. How does Pimcore work?

Pimcore provides a central database in which product data from various types of files (XML, CVS) are collected. Further elements can be added to the product data (thanks to the use of Drag&Drop functions) - photos, graphics, videos, content, etc. The information is made available to sales channels via API. Importantly, access to the system can be assigned to any person or an entire team.